The Effect of Aloe Vera Tea on Constipation Management And Safety of Fetal Growth

  • Nurul Arriza Midwifery Masters Study Program, Postgraduate School, Hasanuddin University
  • Andi Nilawati Usman Midwifery Masters Study Program, Postgraduate School, Hasanuddin University
  • Healthy Hidayanty Nutrition Study Program, Faculty of Public Health, Hasanuddin University
  • Mardiana Ahmad Midwifery Masters Study Program, Postgraduate School, Hasanuddin University
  • Risfa Yulianty Study Program, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hasanuddin University
  • Irmayanti Faculty of Nursing, Kyung Pook National University, South Korea
Keywords: Aloe vera, Aloin, Constipation, Laxative, Fetus


Constipation is one of the 60% of gastrointestinal discomforts in pregnancy. WHO (2018) states that 11-38% of pregnancies will experience constipation. It takes laxative substances that stimulate peristaltic movement of the intestinal wall, such as aloe vera. However, it contains a teratogenic component for pregnant women, namely aloin. The study aims to determine the effect of aloe vera tea as a treatment for constipation and test fetal weight growth's safety during organogenesis. Methods: This research is an experimental study, a laboratory pre-clinical study using a pre-post test randomized control group design in-vivo method. Against 24 pregnant mice constipated by induced oral extract of gambier 1 ml. Results: The control group intervention (Dulcolax 0.1 ml/20grBB) had a higher mean frequency than the aloe vera tea treatment. The results of the ANOVA test of 0.013<0.05 showed a significant difference between the four groups after five days. The category of the fastest onset of action of laxatives was shown in K3 (aloe vera tea dose of 0.2gr/20grBB) at 03:08 minutes compared to the control group (Dulcolax 0.1gr/20grBB) at 04:35 minutes. The ANOVA test of 0.000<0.05 showed a significant difference between K1, K2, K3 and K4. Based on the weight of the fetuses from the four groups was not significantly different (0.764>0.05). Conclusion: Dulcolax 0.1 ml and aloe vera tea 0.2gr/20grBB effectively increased the frequency of defecation in mice. Aloe vera tea 0.2gr/20grBB was very effective, with the fastest onset of laxative action compared to the control group. Aloe vera tea affects fetal growth in the form of a decrease in body weight at the highest dose of 0.4gr/20grBB. Suggestion: A dose of 0.2 grams of aloe vera tea is recommended to be converted to a human dose as an effective measure for treating constipation in pregnant women.


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How to Cite
Arriza N, Usman AN, Healthy Hidayanty, Ahmad M, Risfa Yulianty, Irmayanti. The Effect of Aloe Vera Tea on Constipation Management And Safety of Fetal Growth. woh [Internet]. 2024Jul.24 [cited 2025Mar.7];7(3):215-2. Available from: