Determinants of Toddlers’ History with Stunting Incidence in the Coastal Community

  • Mariene Wiwin Dolang STIKes Maluku Husada
  • Anastasya Pelamonia Department of Public Health, STIKes Maluku Husada
  • Yohanes Friyedo Simanjuntak Piru Regional General Hospital, West Seram Regency
Keywords: Stunting, Exclusive breastfeeding, Complementary feeding, Infectious diseases, Birth weight


The main nutritional problem in toddlers that is still commonly found in many countries around the world is stunting. Stunting is a chronic nutritional problem caused by long-term malnutrition. Infectious diseases and malnutrition can cause stunting. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between the history of children and the incidence of stunting in the people of the Coastal Village of Kamarian. This research is an analytic survey research with a cross sectional design. This research was carried out on June 1 -31 2022. The sample in this study was 113 toddlers aged 2-5 years using total sampling. This study uses the Chi-Square test. The results showed that there were 22.9% (27 children) who were stunted. There is a relationship between birth weight (ρ=0.000), exclusive breastfeeding (ρ=0.013), infectious diseases (ρ=0.000), complementary feeding (ρ=0.002) and stunting. Low birth weight, exclusive breastfeeding, infectious diseases, and early complementary feeding (MP-ASI) can affect the incidence of stunting in children.


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How to Cite
Dolang MW, Pelamonia A, Simanjuntak YF. Determinants of Toddlers’ History with Stunting Incidence in the Coastal Community. woh [Internet]. 2024May12 [cited 2025Mar.9];7(2):194-02. Available from: