Tuberculosis Drugs Supervisior Roles Improved the TB Recovery at The Community Health Center in Kupang City

  • Pius Selasa School of Nursing, Health Polytechnic of Kupang, Liliba, Oebobo, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara 85111, Indonesia
  • Margaretha Teli School of Nursing, Health Polytechnic of Kupang, Liliba, Oebobo, Kupang City, East Nusa Tenggara 85111, Indonesia
  • Ni Made Merlin STIKes Maranatha Kupang
  • Aris Wawomeo School of Nursing, Health polytechnic of Kupang, Paupire, Ende Tengah, Ende, East Nusa Tenggara 86381, Indonesia
  • Joel Rey U. Acob Faculty of Nursing, Visayas State University, Philippines
Keywords: Patient recovery, tuberculosis, drug supervisor


Tuberculosis is a chronic and infectious disease that is still a major public health problem. The spread of this disease is caused by contact with infected droplets. The strategy of the tuberculosis control program in Indonesia uses the directly observed treatment short-course (DOTS) strategy in which patients will be sought and treated until they are cured. Every patient also needs Drug Drink Supervisor (called PMO) who can be nurses, midwives, family members, and health cadres. The role of the TB Drugs Drink Supervisor that has been described in many studies can increase the cure rate by up to 80%. The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between the role of PMO in the recovery of tuberculosis patients. This research was a cross-sectional research design. Purposive sampling was used to determine the 96 tuberculosis patients who had completed the treatment program. The chi-square was used to identify the relationship between the variables. The study found that there is a relationship between the role of TB drug supervisors (conducting home visits, accompaniment during anti-tuberculosis drug swallowing, providing health education, encouragement of sputum re-checking, and accompaniment during taking anti-tuberculosis drugs in public health centers) with patient recovery (p=0.000). When the TB Drug Drink Supervisor performed well in all roles, it will motivate the TB patients to follow the treatment recommendation and facilitate TB recovery.


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How to Cite
Selasa P, Teli M, Merlin NM, Wawomeo A, Acob JRU. Tuberculosis Drugs Supervisior Roles Improved the TB Recovery at The Community Health Center in Kupang City. woh [Internet]. 2022Aug.10 [cited 2025Feb.24];5(3):697-05. Available from: